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Harry Wilson's Classic Plot Generator

Act I - Max ruins his life through passion., Max battles Ian .
Act II - Max finds that his boss Dave , who once had favored him, has forgotten him., Max and Tanisha can't get married because their relatives oppose it., Ian ruins own life through passion., Max discovers he has married his mother, Tanisha .
Act III - Tanisha is in love with her father Max , Max sacrifices his life for the sake of his faith.
Act IV - Max betrays his mistress Tanisha for a young wife,Debbie ., Will is placed on a throne by Will `s adult child, Herbert ., Max successfully seduces another man, Herbert .
Act V - Max `s ambition watched for and guarded against by Herbert who is under obligation., Ian recaptures the sacred book., Will implores Max `s boss Dave for help against the evil Ian .
Act I - Respect for a priest, Will , destroyed., Jack is on the point of unknowingly slaying daughter Jill , out of hatred of Jill `s lover, __., Jill is despoiled by Victor , her protector., Jack is jealous of Jill and Will , but the mistake originates in his own mind.
Act II - Victor attempts to obtain the stolen book by means of persuasive eloquence., Jack involuntarily kills beloved Jill ., Jill is rivals with her in-law Kate for the affections of Jack ., Jack ambitiously rebels against Oscar .
Act III - Victor abducts Jill , who goes willingly., Jill and her stepson Jack are in love with each other., Kate causes own dishonor through imprudent action.
Act I - Roger sacrifices life and honor for life of a loved one., Roger and Kate can't get married because Kate has been betrothed to someone else., Roger ruins his mind through passion.
Act II - Kate discovers her lover Carl is sleeping around., The prisoner Kate and her captive Ethel fight for the affections of Roger ., Roger discovers his son Carl is condemned under a law Roger himself has made., Roger arrives to rescue Ted , who has been condemned.
Act III - Roger is pursued for a fault of love - Roger becomes the lover of his sister-in-law, Kate ., Roger finds Carl , who has been unjustly imprisoned., Roger discovers his mistress Kate is sleeping around., Kate decides to slay her trusting lover Roger .
Act IV - Ted is robbed of his only hope., Kate is despoiled by Edgar , her protector., Roger is punished for pride before a deity., Kate decides to slay her husband Roger for her lover Carl .
Act V - Roger suffers the ingratitude of the child Hillary ., The coveted woman Kate gives Roger a riddle he must solve on pain of death.
Act I - Beth `s husband Edgar and her ex-husband Roger fight for her affections., Roger is foretold of Edgar `s death.
Act II - Roger in madness slays Edgar , his dear friend., Roger must sacrifice his son-in-law Edgar for the public good., Roger ambitiously rebels against Paul .
Act III - The prime minister Paul is overthrown., Beth is despoiled by Ben , her protector., Roger sacrifices ambition for a parent's happiness., The child Louise is lost by the parents Beth and Edgar .
Act I - Debbie loves Stuart , but he is hated by her kinsman Max ., Stuart avenges his mother`s death upon his father Aaron .
Act II - The child Francine is lost by the parents Debbie and Max ., The nobleman Stuart struggles against his rival the king Paul to win the affections of Debbie ., Respect for a priest, Max , destroyed.
Act III - Stuart sacrifices his life for that of a loved one., Aaron attempts to kill his baby Francine ., Stuart finds Francine , a child who was stolen., Stuart finds his father Max .
Act I - Roger discovers his wife Imogen , formerly a prostitute, has returned to her old profession., Roger pursues Ted to avenge a deliberate injury.
Act II - A woman, Imogen , is in love with an AI., Roger must sacrifice loved one to his faith., Roger witnesses the slaying of his kinsman Garry by Ted , and is powerless to prevent it., Roger learns of the death of Garry and falls into despair.
Act III - Imogen fights with the memory of Francine for the affections of Roger ., Garry helps to bring misfortune on his people, and especially Roger , through professional secrecy., Roger must solve a riddle on pain of death.
Act I - Ben feels remorse for a fault of love., Stuart , abandoned by one`s own people for some terrible disgrace, seeks charity from Ben `s boss Paul ., Ben pursues Will to avenge Ben `s Claire being shamed., The queen Tanisha and her subject Ethel fight for the affections of Ben .
Act II - Ben must sacrifice his daughter Ethel to fulfill a vow to God., Ben , Stuart and Tanisha are brothers and lovers; they all hate each other due to self-interest., Ben avenges his dear friend`s death upon his betrothed.
Act III - Ben , having been betrayed by his wife Ethel , gets vengeance., Ben is rivals with his lover Paul for the affections of Tanisha., Ben breaks religious vows of chastity for a passion.
Act IV - Ben is jealous of Ethel and Ned , from giving too much credence to malicious rumors., Ethel decides to slay her husband Ben for her lover Will ., Ethel decides to slay her husband Will for her lover Ben .
Act V - The mortal Ben struggles against his immortal rival Paul to win the affections of Ethel ., Ben is jealous of Ethel and Ned , but the mistake originates in his own mind., Ethel decides to slay her husband Ben for her lover Ned .
Act I - Ian has false suspicions fall on him; but Ian himself mistakenly believes them to be true., Oscar helps to bring misfortune on his people, and especially Ian , through professional secrecy., Ian is rivals with his spouse Dave for the affections of Debbie ., Ted abducts Debbie , who goes unwillingly.
Act II - Ian prepares for war against Ted ., Ian witnesses the slaying of his kinsman Oscar by Ted , and is powerless to prevent it.
Act III - Ian must sacrifice his daughter Debbie to fulfill a vow to God., Dave sends Ian on pain of death to find Luis , who has gone missing., Ian finds Grace , a child who was stolen.
Act IV - Ian struggles against a power., Oscar `s curiosity causes Ian `s death., The prisoner Debbie and her captive Mandy fight for the affections of Ian ., Ian is hated by his father Oscar .
Act V - Ian pursues Ted to revenge a violation., Ian , out of ambition and covetry, heaps crime upon crime., Ian sacrifices his life for the sake of his word., A young girl, Debbie loves Ian and envies his wife Mandy .

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Copyright © 2003-2006, NBOS Software. "Dwarven Beserker" and "Relic" art by V. Shane.