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Joe Mays' Gladiator Description Generator

Pumutus the Bear

An african male, 18 years old, 5 ft. 4 in., 146 lbs., black eyes, long black hair, angular face, beard. Described with the words "hateful" and "beastly". An Egyptian from the lands of Middle Egypt, he was born into a peasant village. At a young age, he was forced to witness as his country was decimated, before he was enslaved and sent off to Rome. After too many errors he was traded to the slaver for gladiator duty. The word on the streets concerning him is that he has the makings of a champion.

Bidding for this slave starts at 350 sesterces.
Detetam the Killer

A caucasian male, 19 years old, 5 ft. 6 in., 160 lbs., blue eyes, shaved blond hair, oval face, goatee. Those who know him well call him "non-judgmental", "heartless" and "hard-working". A Roman from the aristocracy of Rome, he was born a slave. Talent for battle was finally noted, and he was immediately put up for sale as a gladiator. The rumor in the vomitoriums concerning him is that he has the signs of being a winner.

Bidding for this slave starts at 200 sesterces.
Osii the Clever

An african male, 18 years old, 6 ft. 1 in., 196 lbs., black eyes, medium-length black hair, flat face, left ear chopped off. When asked to describe him, most people say "manic" and "lazy". An Egyptian from the place called Cyrenaica, he was born into a well-off tribe. As a young man, he fought against the Roman invaders, and was captured, enslaved, and sent for sale in Rome. Originally, he was expected to be a pleasure slave, but he was put up for sale as a gladiator when his owner needed the money. The buzz in the bath-house concerning him is that he has the signs of being a survivor.

Bidding for this slave starts at 400 sesterces.
Adunt the Sneaky

A latino male, 30 years old, 6 ft. 5 in., 216 lbs., brown eyes, long black hair, oval face, no distinguishing marks. Those who know him well call him "irritating", "amiable" and "unstable". An Iberian from the distant land of Hispania, he was sold into slavery as punishment for the crime of theft and sent off to Rome. It was good luck that put him on the auction block to be a gladiator. In his heart, he waits for his chance for vengeance, but he will do his best to earn his freedom.

Bidding for this slave starts at 350 sesterces.
Magio the Executioner

A caucasian male, 19 years old, 5 ft. 7 in., 173 lbs., gray eyes, bald, broad face, no distinguishing marks. Those who know him say he is "sneaky" and "philosophical". A Gaul from the lands of Transalpine Gaul, he had a unforgiving childhood which left him pitiless. When the Romans arrived, he tried to hide as his home was brutally crucified, before he was captured and sent off to Rome. It was good luck that put him on the auction block to be a gladiator. There is only this, he believes -- blood is the price demanded by glory.

Bidding for this slave starts at 300 sesterces.

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Copyright © 2003-2006, NBOS Software. "Dwarven Beserker" and "Relic" art by V. Shane.