Orc Raiding Party - approx 50 orcs, broken down into a number of smaller hunting parties. This is set to only create 1 raiding party, since this table can take a while to generate all those orcs!
Hit Points: 30
Armor: chain shirt & shield (AC 14)
Base Attack: +5 to hit, +4 damage
Weapons: falchion (2d4)
Special Skills: none
Languages: Orcish
Wealth: 11 pp, 17 sp, 29 cp
K'ggor K'ng
Hit Points: 13
Armor: studded leather (AC 13)
Base Attack: +3 to hit, +2 damage
Weapons: spear (1d8)
Special Skills: none
Languages: Orcish, plus exceptional Dwarvish, passable Common
Wealth: 4 small gems (235 gp, 260 gp, 95 gp, 230 gp), 25 pp, 60 sp, 190 cp
Gogguk G'k
Hit Points: 3
Armor: hide & shield (AC 14)
Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
Weapons: falchion (2d4)
Special Skills: none
Languages: Orcish
Wealth: 11 gp, 14 sp, 23 cp
Hit Points: 7
Armor: hide (AC 13)
Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
Weapons: long sword (1d8)
Special Skills: none
Languages: Orcish
Wealth: 13 sp, 10 cp
Hit Points: 5
Armor: studded leather (AC 13)
Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
Weapons: spear (1d8)
Special Skills: none
Languages: Orcish, plus passable Goblin
Wealth: 16 gp, 17 sp, 19 cp
G'gang Omuuk
Hit Points: 8
Armor: hide (AC 13)
Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
Weapons: long sword (1d8)
Special Skills: none
Languages: Orcish
Wealth: 12 cp
Hit Points: 10
Armor: studded leather (AC 13)
Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
Weapons: long sword (1d8)
Special Skills: none
Languages: Orcish
Wealth: 10 sp, 10 cp
Hit Points: 7
Armor: leather (AC 12)
Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
Weapons: spear (1d8)
Special Skills: none
Languages: Orcish
Wealth: 9 gp, 10 sp, 18 cp
Hit Points: 17
Armor: leather & shield (AC 13)
Base Attack: +3 to hit, +2 damage
Weapons: spear (1d8)
Special Skills: none
Languages: Orcish, plus exceptional Goblin, passable Common
Wealth: 7 sp, 9 cp
Hit Points: 8
Armor: none (AC 10)
Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
Weapons: spear (1d8)
Special Skills: none
Languages: Orcish
Wealth: 12 sp, 13 cp
K'dok Surth
Hit Points: 6
Armor: studded leather (AC 13)
Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
Weapons: spear (1d8)
Special Skills: none
Languages: Orcish
Wealth: none
Gugurth Mung
Hit Points: 10
Armor: hide & shield (AC 14)
Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
Weapons: spear (1d8)
Special Skills: none
Languages: Orcish, plus good Common
Wealth: none
Hit Points: 5
Armor: hide & shield (AC 14)
Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
Weapons: spear (1d8)
Special Skills: Move Silently 5
Languages: Orcish, plus passable Ogre
Wealth: 12 sp, 13 cp
Hit Points: 10
Armor: studded leather (AC 13)
Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
Weapons: long sword (1d8)
Special Skills: none
Languages: Orcish, plus passable Common
Wealth: 12 cp
Hit Points: 3
Armor: none (AC 10)
Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
Weapons: long sword (1d8)
Special Skills: Sneak Attack, +2d6
Languages: Orcish
Wealth: none
Grogguk Uggaak
Hit Points: 7
Armor: leather (AC 12)
Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
Weapons: falchion (2d4)
Special Skills: none
Languages: Orcish
Wealth: 12 sp, 15 cp
Hit Points: 6
Armor: studded leather (AC 13)
Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
Weapons: spear (1d8)
Special Skills: none
Languages: Orcish
Wealth: 11 cp
Krogoth Agguang
Hit Points: 5
Armor: none (AC 10)
Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
Weapons: falchion (2d4)
Special Skills: none
Languages: Orcish, plus passable Common, passable Goblin
Wealth: 10 gp, 12 sp, 9 cp
Hit Points: 7
Armor: leather (AC 12)
Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
Weapons: none (1d3)
Special Skills: none
Languages: Orcish
Wealth: 15 cp
Hit Points: 12
Armor: chain shirt (AC 14)
Base Attack: +3 to hit, +2 damage
Weapons: long sword (1d8)
Special Skills: none
Languages: Orcish
Wealth: 3 small gems (305 gp, 430 gp, 65 gp), 65 pp, 110 sp, 130 cp
Brogung Crurth
Hit Points: 6
Armor: none (AC 10)
Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
Weapons: spear (1d8)
Special Skills: none
Languages: Orcish, plus passable Ogre
Wealth: none
Hit Points: 8
Armor: studded leather (AC 13)
Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
Weapons: long sword (1d8)
Special Skills: none
Languages: Orcish
Wealth: 9 cp
Hit Points: 3
Armor: leather (AC 12)
Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
Weapons: club (1d6)
Special Skills: none
Languages: Orcish, plus exceptional Common, passable Ogre, exceptional Goblin
Wealth: none
G'ggang Tuk
Hit Points: 4
Armor: leather (AC 12)
Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
Weapons: falchion (2d4)
Special Skills: none
Languages: Orcish, plus good Hill Giant
Wealth: 7 cp
Hit Points: 3
Armor: leather (AC 12)
Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
Weapons: spear (1d8)
Special Skills: none
Languages: Orcish
Wealth: 13 sp, 15 cp
Bruggor Cruk
Hit Points: 8
Armor: studded leather & shield (AC 14)
Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
Weapons: club (1d6)
Special Skills: Unusual Spot Skill 7
Languages: Orcish
Wealth: 13 gp, 15 sp, 28 cp
Throgoth Thong
Hit Points: 10
Armor: hide (AC 13)
Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
Weapons: none (1d3)
Special Skills: Move Silently 7
Languages: Orcish
Wealth: 9 cp
Hit Points: 10
Armor: studded leather & shield (AC 14)
Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
Weapons: long sword (1d8)
Special Skills: none
Languages: Orcish
Wealth: none
Hit Points: 7
Armor: studded leather (AC 13)
Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
Weapons: long sword (1d8)
Special Skills: none
Languages: Orcish, plus passable Common
Wealth: 10 gp, 12 sp, 21 cp
Hit Points: 12
Armor: studded leather & shield (AC 14)
Base Attack: +3 to hit, +2 damage
Weapons: falchion (2d4)
Special Skills: Escape Artist Skill 6
Languages: Orcish, plus good Hill Giant, exceptional Dwarvish
Wealth: 15 gp, 14 sp, 11 cp
Sogak Crar
Hit Points: 7
Armor: hide (AC 13)
Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
Weapons: club (1d6)
Special Skills: Jump 5
Languages: Orcish, plus passable Hill Giant, good Common
Wealth: 17 gp, 14 sp, 18 cp
Hit Points: 10
Armor: none (AC 10)
Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
Weapons: long sword (1d8)
Special Skills: none
Languages: Orcish
Wealth: 8 sp, 15 cp
Hit Points: 7
Armor: leather & shield (AC 13)
Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
Weapons: club (1d6)
Special Skills: Sneak Attack, +2d6
Languages: Orcish, plus good Dwarvish, passable Common, good Ogre
Wealth: 10 sp, 15 cp
Gaduk Thang
Hit Points: 8
Armor: studded leather (AC 13)
Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
Weapons: falchion (2d4)
Special Skills: Move Silently 5
Languages: Orcish
Wealth: none
Hit Points: 10
Armor: leather (AC 12)
Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
Weapons: long sword (1d8)
Special Skills: none
Languages: Orcish, plus exceptional Common
Wealth: 9 sp, 10 cp
Hit Points: 9
Armor: hide (AC 13)
Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
Weapons: spear (1d8)
Special Skills: none
Languages: Orcish
Wealth: none
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