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Download OrcRaidingParty.ipt
Orc Raiding Party - approx 50 orcs, broken down into a number of smaller hunting parties. This is set to only create 1 raiding party, since this table can take a while to generate all those orcs!

Hit Points: 27
Armor: full chain (AC 15)
Base Attack: +5 to hit, +4 damage
Weapons: falchion (2d4)
Special Skills: Move Silently 5
Languages: Orcish
Wealth: 13 pp, 21 sp, 35 cp
  • Gagang Tak
    Hit Points: 12
    Armor: chain shirt & shield (AC 14)
    Base Attack: +3 to hit, +2 damage
    Weapons: long sword (1d8)
    Special Skills: none
    Languages: Orcish, plus good Hill Giant
    Wealth: 2 small gems (380 gp, 225 gp), 45 pp, 95 sp, 210 cp
    • Thumang
      Hit Points: 5
      Armor: hide (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: none (1d3)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish
      Wealth: 10 cp
    • Madak
      Hit Points: 10
      Armor: leather & shield (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: spear (1d8)
      Special Skills: Move Silently 8
      Languages: Orcish, plus passable Common, passable Ogre, exceptional Goblin
      Wealth: 12 cp
    • G'gung Krurth
      Hit Points: 5
      Armor: none (AC 10)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: spear (1d8)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish, plus exceptional Common, passable Ogre
      Wealth: none
    • Throdath
      Hit Points: 10
      Armor: studded leather & shield (AC 14)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: club (1d6)
      Special Skills: Sneak Attack, +2d6
      Languages: Orcish
      Wealth: 15 sp, 19 cp
    • Gomuk
      Hit Points: 3
      Armor: none (AC 10)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: falchion (2d4)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish, plus passable Hill Giant, good Goblin
      Wealth: none
    • K'ggang
      Hit Points: 6
      Armor: hide & shield (AC 14)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: club (1d6)
      Special Skills: Escape Artist Skill 8
      Languages: Orcish
      Wealth: 16 sp, 7 cp
    • G'guk
      Hit Points: 7
      Armor: hide (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: long sword (1d8)
      Special Skills: Tracking 8
      Languages: Orcish
      Wealth: 11 sp, 21 cp
    • Thraggong
      Hit Points: 9
      Armor: hide (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: none (1d3)
      Special Skills: Escape Artist Skill 5
      Languages: Orcish
      Wealth: 12 gp, 15 sp, 12 cp
    • Momath
      Hit Points: 4
      Armor: hide (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: none (1d3)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish, plus passable Hill Giant, good Common
      Wealth: 10 gp, 17 sp, 17 cp
    • 3 Dire Wolves
      hits: 42, 46, 43
      Armor: 14
      Attack: Bite +11 for 1d8+10
  • Tomong
    Hit Points: 15
    Armor: studded leather & shield (AC 14)
    Base Attack: +3 to hit, +2 damage
    Weapons: falchion (2d4)
    Special Skills: none
    Languages: Orcish, plus good Common, good Hill Giant
    Wealth: 14 sp, 15 cp
    • Suggath
      Hit Points: 3
      Armor: hide (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: spear (1d8)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish, plus good Ogre, passable Hill Giant
      Wealth: none
    • Brogurth Krung
      Hit Points: 8
      Armor: leather (AC 12)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: long sword (1d8)
      Special Skills: Tracking 7
      Languages: Orcish, plus good Common
      Wealth: 7 sp, 11 cp
    • Kroggok
      Hit Points: 9
      Armor: studded leather (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: none (1d3)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish
      Wealth: 4 sp, 9 cp
    • Crugok
      Hit Points: 4
      Armor: hide & shield (AC 14)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: falchion (2d4)
      Special Skills: Escape Artist Skill 6
      Languages: Orcish, plus good Common, good Elvish
      Wealth: 14 gp, 9 sp, 14 cp
    • Thaggak
      Hit Points: 5
      Armor: shield (AC 11)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: none (1d3)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish, plus passable Hill Giant, good Goblin, good Dwarvish
      Wealth: 9 cp
  • Kraduk
    Hit Points: 8
    Armor: chain shirt & shield (AC 14)
    Base Attack: +3 to hit, +2 damage
    Weapons: spear (1d8)
    Special Skills: Sneak Attack, +2d6
    Languages: Orcish
    Wealth: 4 small gems (380 gp, 20 gp, 145 gp, 270 gp), 45 pp, 130 sp, 180 cp
    • G'gguk G'r
      Hit Points: 3
      Armor: studded leather (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: spear (1d8)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish, plus good Ogre
      Wealth: 10 gp, 14 sp, 20 cp
    • Gugak
      Hit Points: 10
      Armor: hide (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: long sword (1d8)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish
      Wealth: none
    • Sumar
      Hit Points: 5
      Armor: studded leather (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: long sword (1d8)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish
      Wealth: none
    • Oduamong
      Hit Points: 6
      Armor: hide & shield (AC 14)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: club (1d6)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish, plus passable Elvish
      Wealth: 4 cp
    • Tudar
      Hit Points: 5
      Armor: none (AC 10)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: club (1d6)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish
      Wealth: none
    • Soguk Tarth
      Hit Points: 7
      Armor: none (AC 10)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: club (1d6)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish, plus good Dwarvish
      Wealth: 10 sp, 17 cp
    • Ugguomak
      Hit Points: 6
      Armor: hide (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: falchion (2d4)
      Special Skills: Move Silently 7
      Languages: Orcish, plus passable Elvish
      Wealth: none
    • Broduk
      Hit Points: 8
      Armor: studded leather (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: spear (1d8)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish, plus passable Common
      Wealth: 10 gp, 12 sp, 16 cp
    • G'gguk
      Hit Points: 3
      Armor: shield (AC 11)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: none (1d3)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish, plus exceptional Goblin
      Wealth: 9 cp
  • Craggath K'k
    Hit Points: 14
    Armor: studded leather (AC 13)
    Base Attack: +3 to hit, +2 damage
    Weapons: long sword (1d8)
    Special Skills: Escape Artist Skill 8
    Languages: Orcish
    Wealth: 9 gp, 15 sp, 14 cp
    • Agooggok
      Hit Points: 7
      Armor: studded leather & shield (AC 14)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: long sword (1d8)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish
      Wealth: 13 sp, 9 cp
    • Craggung
      Hit Points: 6
      Armor: leather & shield (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: long sword (1d8)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish
      Wealth: 9 sp, 13 cp
    • Cragong
      Hit Points: 7
      Armor: studded leather (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: club (1d6)
      Special Skills: Move Silently 6
      Languages: Orcish
      Wealth: none
    • Krogath Crong
      Hit Points: 10
      Armor: shield (AC 11)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: long sword (1d8)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish, plus exceptional Ogre
      Wealth: 5 cp
    • Crugath
      Hit Points: 8
      Armor: hide (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: falchion (2d4)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish, plus passable Common
      Wealth: none
    • Tomung
      Hit Points: 7
      Armor: shield (AC 11)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: club (1d6)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish, plus good Common, passable Goblin
      Wealth: 10 cp
    • Gugarth
      Hit Points: 9
      Armor: studded leather (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: club (1d6)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish
      Wealth: 6 gp, 22 sp, 22 cp
    • Krugath
      Hit Points: 7
      Armor: studded leather (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: falchion (2d4)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish, plus passable Goblin
      Wealth: 13 cp
  • Sudung Tak
    Hit Points: 21
    Armor: chain shirt (AC 14)
    Base Attack: +3 to hit, +2 damage
    Weapons: falchion (2d4)
    Special Skills: none
    Languages: Orcish
    Wealth: 5 gp, 13 sp, 14 cp
    • Oggooggak
      Hit Points: 3
      Armor: none (AC 10)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: long sword (1d8)
      Special Skills: Tracking 5
      Languages: Orcish
      Wealth: none
    • Krugak
      Hit Points: 4
      Armor: hide (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: spear (1d8)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish
      Wealth: 8 sp, 20 cp
    • Groguk
      Hit Points: 8
      Armor: studded leather & shield (AC 14)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: long sword (1d8)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish, plus good Hill Giant, passable Dwarvish
      Wealth: 8 gp, 11 sp, 16 cp
    • G'duk
      Hit Points: 7
      Armor: studded leather (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: falchion (2d4)
      Special Skills: Unusual Spot Skill 8
      Languages: Orcish
      Wealth: 12 cp
    • G'duk
      Hit Points: 9
      Armor: leather & shield (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: long sword (1d8)
      Special Skills: Tracking 5
      Languages: Orcish, plus passable Goblin
      Wealth: none
    • K'ggath
      Hit Points: 4
      Armor: hide & shield (AC 14)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: falchion (2d4)
      Special Skills: Move Silently 7
      Languages: Orcish
      Wealth: 9 gp, 14 sp, 10 cp
    • Mamung
      Hit Points: 6
      Armor: leather & shield (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: spear (1d8)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish
      Wealth: 10 sp, 16 cp
  • K'mak
    Hit Points: 16
    Armor: leather & shield (AC 13)
    Base Attack: +3 to hit, +2 damage
    Weapons: long sword (1d8)
    Special Skills: Jump 7
    Languages: Orcish, plus passable Common, passable Dwarvish
    Wealth: 8 gp, 12 sp, 8 cp
    • Krugok
      Hit Points: 8
      Armor: studded leather (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: spear (1d8)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish, plus passable Hill Giant
      Wealth: 8 gp, 7 sp, 24 cp
    • Bragorth
      Hit Points: 3
      Armor: hide (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: long sword (1d8)
      Special Skills: Sneak Attack, +2d6
      Languages: Orcish, plus good Ogre, good Common
      Wealth: 8 sp, 17 cp
    • Grodong Tak
      Hit Points: 8
      Armor: none (AC 10)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: falchion (2d4)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish
      Wealth: none
    • Thomuk
      Hit Points: 8
      Armor: hide (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: falchion (2d4)
      Special Skills: Unusual Spot Skill 7
      Languages: Orcish
      Wealth: 6 gp, 18 sp, 11 cp
    • Sadang
      Hit Points: 9
      Armor: leather (AC 12)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: club (1d6)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish
      Wealth: 9 sp, 13 cp
  • Taguth Grok
    Hit Points: 16
    Armor: chain shirt (AC 14)
    Base Attack: +3 to hit, +2 damage
    Weapons: long sword (1d8)
    Special Skills: none
    Languages: Orcish
    Wealth: 12 sp, 10 cp
    • Toggok
      Hit Points: 4
      Armor: none (AC 10)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: spear (1d8)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish, plus passable Hill Giant
      Wealth: none
    • K'ggong
      Hit Points: 6
      Armor: shield (AC 11)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: long sword (1d8)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish, plus passable Common, passable Ogre
      Wealth: 11 cp
    • Amoomorth
      Hit Points: 7
      Armor: studded leather (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: club (1d6)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish, plus exceptional Dwarvish, good Hill Giant
      Wealth: 16 cp
    • Adougguk
      Hit Points: 10
      Armor: shield (AC 11)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: none (1d3)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish, plus passable Common
      Wealth: 11 sp, 13 cp
    • Gomoth K'k
      Hit Points: 8
      Armor: hide & shield (AC 14)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: long sword (1d8)
      Special Skills: Move Silently 6
      Languages: Orcish
      Wealth: 8 sp, 13 cp
    • Thagar
      Hit Points: 4
      Armor: studded leather (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: spear (1d8)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish, plus passable Goblin, passable Hill Giant, passable Common
      Wealth: none
  • Thruggak
    Hit Points: 19
    Armor: studded leather (AC 13)
    Base Attack: +3 to hit, +2 damage
    Weapons: falchion (2d4)
    Special Skills: none
    Languages: Orcish
    Wealth: 10 sp, 12 cp
    • Thuguk Suk
      Hit Points: 10
      Armor: hide (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: spear (1d8)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish
      Wealth: 8 gp, 20 sp, 20 cp
    • Thuggoth
      Hit Points: 5
      Armor: leather (AC 12)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: long sword (1d8)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish
      Wealth: none
    • K'dok
      Hit Points: 4
      Armor: hide (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: none (1d3)
      Special Skills: Move Silently 6
      Languages: Orcish, plus passable Hill Giant, exceptional Goblin
      Wealth: 9 gp, 12 sp, 11 cp
    • Graggarth Muk
      Hit Points: 5
      Armor: shield (AC 11)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: spear (1d8)
      Special Skills: Sneak Attack, +2d6
      Languages: Orcish
      Wealth: 8 gp, 9 sp, 15 cp
    • Bramak
      Hit Points: 10
      Armor: studded leather (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: long sword (1d8)
      Special Skills: Tracking 6
      Languages: Orcish, plus exceptional Common, good Dwarvish
      Wealth: 13 gp, 12 sp, 26 cp
    • Gumok
      Hit Points: 9
      Armor: hide & shield (AC 14)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: long sword (1d8)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish, plus passable Goblin
      Wealth: 13 sp, 16 cp
    • Kraggok Sok
      Hit Points: 9
      Armor: studded leather (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: spear (1d8)
      Special Skills: Move Silently 8
      Languages: Orcish, plus passable Dwarvish, passable Ogre
      Wealth: 15 cp
  • Kruguk
    Hit Points: 16
    Armor: leather & shield (AC 13)
    Base Attack: +3 to hit, +2 damage
    Weapons: spear (1d8)
    Special Skills: none
    Languages: Orcish, plus passable Common, good Hill Giant
    Wealth: 12 gp, 6 sp, 22 cp
    • G'duk Throng
      Hit Points: 6
      Armor: hide (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: none (1d3)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish
      Wealth: 11 gp, 11 sp, 6 cp
    • Sagak
      Hit Points: 5
      Armor: studded leather (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: falchion (2d4)
      Special Skills: Unusual Spot Skill 7
      Languages: Orcish
      Wealth: none
    • Gramuk
      Hit Points: 4
      Armor: shield (AC 11)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: club (1d6)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish, plus passable Common
      Wealth: 10 sp, 12 cp
    • Krugath K'k
      Hit Points: 9
      Armor: none (AC 10)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: club (1d6)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish
      Wealth: 8 sp, 13 cp
    • Tudorth Gruk
      Hit Points: 9
      Armor: studded leather (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: club (1d6)
      Special Skills: Jump 6
      Languages: Orcish
      Wealth: 8 gp, 14 sp, 17 cp
  • G'mak Crak
    Hit Points: 13
    Armor: studded leather (AC 13)
    Base Attack: +3 to hit, +2 damage
    Weapons: long sword (1d8)
    Special Skills: none
    Languages: Orcish
    Wealth: 4 small gems (85 gp, 235 gp, 230 gp, 355 gp), 60 pp, 90 sp, 215 cp
    • Mamurth
      Hit Points: 9
      Armor: leather (AC 12)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: spear (1d8)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish, plus passable Ogre, exceptional Dwarvish, passable Common
      Wealth: none
    • K'ggung Grang
      Hit Points: 4
      Armor: shield (AC 11)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: spear (1d8)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish
      Wealth: none
    • Goggong G'ng
      Hit Points: 7
      Armor: studded leather (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: long sword (1d8)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish, plus passable Ogre
      Wealth: 6 sp, 13 cp
    • Kraduth
      Hit Points: 8
      Armor: none (AC 10)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: none (1d3)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish, plus passable Common, passable Goblin
      Wealth: 13 sp, 9 cp
    • Thomong
      Hit Points: 9
      Armor: studded leather (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: club (1d6)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish, plus good Hill Giant, good Ogre
      Wealth: 14 cp
    • Grugok
      Hit Points: 5
      Armor: studded leather & shield (AC 14)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: long sword (1d8)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish, plus exceptional Ogre, passable Hill Giant
      Wealth: none
    • Madak
      Hit Points: 5
      Armor: none (AC 10)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: long sword (1d8)
      Special Skills: none
      Languages: Orcish, plus passable Hill Giant, good Common, good Goblin
      Wealth: 11 gp, 17 sp, 22 cp
    • Groguk
      Hit Points: 4
      Armor: hide (AC 13)
      Base Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage
      Weapons: long sword (1d8)
      Special Skills: Unusual Spot Skill 5
      Languages: Orcish
      Wealth: 8 gp, 18 sp, 20 cp

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Copyright © 2003-2006, NBOS Software. "Dwarven Beserker" and "Relic" art by V. Shane.