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Elf Names
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Latin-like Names
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Random Books
Spell Books
Orc Hoard

Orc Hunting Party
Orc Raiding Party
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Bar Encounters

NPC on the Street
Orc Formal Introduction
Sci-Fi Soldier
NPC Appearance
Adult Civillian (w/ stats)
Gladiator Generator
Horse Generator

Adventure Hooks
Alchemist Cookbook #2
Alchemist Cookbook
Bazaar Contents
Critical Hits
Fortune Teller
Plot Generator
Plot Generator - Sci-Fi
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Download HorseDescriptions.ipt
Joe Mays' Horse Description Generator

This horse is a very light reddish stallion. It has a set of white fetlocks and a patch of white on the tail, face, legs and mane.

This horse is an iron-gray stallion. It has a splash of white on the muzzle and a white star on the forehead.

This horse is a red sorrel stallion with a reddish mane. It has a white stripe down the face, a set of white legs and a spot of white on the muzzle.

This horse is a brilliant white mare.

This horse is a tan stallion.

This horse is an off-white mare.

This horse is a light palomino mare with cream mane and tail. It has a splash of white on the muzzle.

This horse is a gray stallionwith darker gray dapples allover.

This horse is a cream-colored buckskin stallion with black mane and tail.

This horse is an appaloosa mare. It's reddish-brown with white spots all over.

Generated by ipad2cgi, the Inspiration Pad Pro 2 CGI interface. Build: 12-07-2007 00:51:58

Copyright © 2003-2006, NBOS Software. "Dwarven Beserker" and "Relic" art by V. Shane.