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Various people your PC's might meet on the street.

Race: Elf
Sex: Female
Profession: Tinker
Description: Málinidras is an unexceptional looking adult woman of large build. She has unkempt brown hair. She is poorly dressed in old clothes. She is carrying a large set of scrolls, and is walking intently down the street.
Thugnolin Flintminer
Race: Dwarf
Sex: Male
Profession: Smith
Description: Thugnolin Flintminer is an unattractive adult man of small build. He has well kept blonde hair. He is very well dressed. He is walking intently down the street.
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Profession: Woodcutter
Description: Phugru is an unexceptional looking old man of large build. He is completely bald. He is poorly dressed in old clothes. He is carrying a small set of scrolls, and is walking hastily down the street.
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Profession: Weaver
Description: Jupha is an attractive old woman of very large build. She has unkempt blonde hair. She is poorly dressed in old clothes. She is walking intently down the street.
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Profession: Judge
Description: Priche is a handsome adult man of very slight build. He is completely bald. He is poorly dressed, in ragged and torn clothing. He is stopping people and asking them if they know the direction to Yevrov.
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Profession: Herald, Rope Maker
Description: Obetha is an unexceptional looking young woman of normal build. She has brown hair. She is poorly dressed, in ragged and torn clothing. She is walking intently down the street.
Holmus Granitecleaver
Race: Dwarf
Sex: Male
Profession: Spice Merchant
Description: Holmus Granitecleaver is an unexceptional looking middle aged man of large build. He is balding, with gray hair. He is poorly dressed in old clothes. He is carrying a large bag, and is stopping every passer by and asking them something.
Máleiries Theanas
Race: Elf
Sex: Male
Profession: Courtesan
Description: Máleiries Theanas is an unattractive middle aged man of large build. He is balding, with black hair. He is well dressed. He is looking around in a confused manner.
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Profession: Peasant
Description: Teen is an unexceptional looking adult man of large build. He has brown hair. He is well dressed. He is walking hastily down the street.
Khersik Coppercleaver
Race: Dwarf
Sex: Male
Profession: Farmer
Description: Khersik Coppercleaver is an unexceptional looking young man of large build. He is balding, with brown hair. He is well dressed. He is carrying a small set of books, and is stopping every passer by and asking them something.
Thraowol Aerielbow
Race: Elf
Sex: Male
Profession: Wood Seller
Description: Thraowol Aerielbow is an unexceptional looking young man of very large build. He is balding, with brown hair. He is dressed normally for the area. He is carrying a gigantic pile of firewood, and is stopping people and asking them if they know Tebe
Áeridrilbrrieth Lirolhunter
Race: Elf
Sex: Female
Profession: Distiller, Warrior
Description: Áeridrilbrrieth Lirolhunter is an unexceptional looking adult woman of normal build. She has blonde hair. She is poorly dressed in old clothes. She is walking idly down the street.
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Profession: Leatherworker, Artist
Description: Faque is an unexceptional looking middle aged man of small build. He is completely bald. He is well dressed. He is walking intently down the street.
Race: Halfling
Sex: Male
Profession: Book Seller
Description: Axyra is an unexceptional looking young man of large build. He has brown hair. He is poorly dressed in old clothes. He is carrying a small jug, and is stopping every passer by and asking them something.
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Profession: Interpreter
Description: Iflopeue is an unexceptional looking young woman of very slight build. She has red hair. She is poorly dressed in old clothes. She is carrying a gigantic jug, and is looking around in a confused manner.
Race: Gnome
Sex: Female
Profession: Artist
Description: Igrard is an unattractive young woman of very large build. She has gray hair. She is dressed normally for the area. She is carrying a large set of books, and is stopping people and asking them if they know where the guild headquarters is.
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Profession: Cartographer
Description: Acacus is an unattractive adult man of normal build. He has gray hair. He is well dressed. He is stopping people and asking them if they know Dûbir Iceboot
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Profession: Innkeeper
Description: Sapro is an unexceptional looking middle aged woman of normal build. She has unkempt gray hair. She is dressed normally for the area. She is stopping every passer by and asking them something.
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Profession: Servent
Description: Pucien is an unexceptional looking adult man of small build. He has gray hair. He is poorly dressed, in ragged and torn clothing. He is stopping people and asking them if they know Linidries Jademyth
Bokhög Mountainwheel
Race: Dwarf
Sex: Male
Profession: Artist
Description: Bokhög Mountainwheel is an unexceptional looking middle aged man of normal build. He has black hair. He is poorly dressed, in ragged and torn clothing. He is stopping people and asking them if they know where the warehouse is.

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Copyright © 2003-2006, NBOS Software. "Dwarven Beserker" and "Relic" art by V. Shane.