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Various people your PC's might meet on the street.

Hukhain Granitegrinder
Race: Dwarf
Sex: Male
Profession: Perfumer
Description: Hukhain Granitegrinder is an unattractive adult man of small build. He has unkempt black hair. He is dressed normally for the area. He is walking intently down the street.
Race: Gnome
Sex: Male
Profession: Diplomat
Description: Uziza is an unexceptional looking old man of normal build. He is completely bald. He is well dressed. He is stopping people and asking them if they know where the candle maker is.
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Profession: Glovemaker
Description: Hiwaque is an attractive middle aged woman of large build. She has well kept gray hair. She is poorly dressed, in ragged and torn clothing. She is stopping people and asking them if they know Dhugrain Trollstein
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Profession: Tavern Keeper
Description: Shryme is an unexceptional looking old woman of normal build. She has brown hair. She is poorly dressed, in ragged and torn clothing. She is carrying a large set of scrolls, and is walking idly down the street.
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Profession: Jester
Description: Sayn is an unexceptional looking old man of small build. He has brown hair. He is poorly dressed in old clothes. He is stopping every passer by and asking them something.
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Profession: Tavern Keeper
Description: Dysias is an unexceptional looking middle aged woman of normal build. She has gray hair. She is dressed normally for the area. She is walking intently down the street.
Marinbridries Nieleras
Race: Elf
Sex: Male
Profession: Paladin
Description: Marinbridries Nieleras is a handsome young man of small build. He is balding, with blonde hair. He is dressed normally for the area. He is carrying a small set of scrolls, and is looking around in a confused manner.
Elindas Shadowheart
Race: Elf
Sex: Female
Profession: Advocate
Description: Elindas Shadowheart is a stunningly attractive middle aged woman of normal build. She has gray hair. She is dressed normally for the area. She is looking around in a confused manner.
Race: Gnome
Sex: Female
Profession: Carpenter
Description: Criwi is an unexceptional looking middle aged woman of normal build. She has gray hair. She is dressed normally for the area. She is walking intently down the street.
Lirinbrendies Tenriethlight
Race: Elf
Sex: Female
Profession: Locksmith
Description: Lirinbrendies Tenriethlight is an unexceptional looking old woman of normal build. She has brown hair. She is poorly dressed, in ragged and torn clothing. She is stopping people and asking them if they know Krolmir Iceforge
Race: Elf
Sex: Male
Profession: Bard
Description: Morriael is an unexceptional looking adult man of small build. He is balding, with gray hair. He is very well dressed. He is stopping people and asking them if they know the direction to Clihevill.
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Profession: Gardener
Description: Hofri is an attractive young woman of large build. She has blonde hair. She is dressed normally for the area. She is stopping people and asking them if they know the direction to Tefrotfort.
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Profession: Peasant
Description: Dedirus is an unattractive old woman of normal build. She has blonde hair. She is dressed normally for the area. She is looking around in a confused manner.
Rinalornil Theynhunter
Race: Elf
Sex: Female
Profession: Paladin, Sailor
Description: Rinalornil Theynhunter is an unattractive middle aged woman of normal build. She has brown hair. She is dressed normally for the area. She is stopping people and asking them if they know Dorilir of the Mountainforge clan
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Profession: Book Binder
Description: Frojilius is an attractive young woman of normal build. She has black hair. She is poorly dressed, in ragged and torn clothing. She is stopping people and asking them if they know the direction to Yetville.
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Profession: Mage
Description: Ajeziwius is an unexceptional looking middle aged man of small build. He is completely bald. He is well dressed. He is walking hastily down the street.
Race: Halfling
Sex: Male
Profession: Brewer
Description: Ishagro is an unexceptional looking young man of small build. He has unkempt blonde hair. He is well dressed. He is walking hastily down the street.
Obolir Trolldigger of the Goldendrill clan
Race: Dwarf
Sex: Female
Profession: Tavern Keeper
Description: Obolir Trolldigger of the Goldendrill clan is an unattractive adult woman of normal build. She has brown hair. She is well dressed. She is stopping people and asking them if they know where the farm is.
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Profession: Ratcatcher
Description: Cufohius is an unexceptional looking old man of normal build. He has well kept blonde hair. He is well dressed. He is walking intently down the street.
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Profession: Servant
Description: Cachekar is an unexceptional looking adult man of large build. He is completely bald. He is very well dressed. He is walking idly down the street.

Generated by ipad2cgi, the Inspiration Pad Pro 2 CGI interface. Build: 12-07-2007 00:51:58

Copyright © 2003-2006, NBOS Software. "Dwarven Beserker" and "Relic" art by V. Shane.