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The Alchemist's Cookbook
Recipes, Ruminations, and Potions

This material is Open Game Content, and is licensed for public use under the terms of the Open Game License v1.0a.

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  • 18 cups diced Faiuntia sphinx
  • 15 tablespoons shredded chalcedony
  • 9 quarts partially hydrogenated bird
  • 7 ounces dried delphinium
  • 1 cup Dhomnen gypsum juice
  • 1/6 pint invar poison
  • 20 pounds diced boar
  • 1 pound Eter ruby seasoning
  • 1/7 cup Atieti chrondrodite paste
  • 8 pints woundwort dressing
  • 1 tablespoon Amucum damask poison
  • 1 fluid ounce Ebezechimias potherb extract
  • 1 teaspoon shredded Tuisruetia wrought iron
  • 1 ounce beryl poison
  • 8 cups Cabresi rubidium chunks
  • 1/5 pint sliced Aliladnil pixie

  • Directions
    Put water in a large cooking pot and heat but do not boil. Saute all the plant ingredients in a seperate Dutch oven, mix till frothy, and pour over remaining ingredients. Add remaining ingredients to the cooking pot 1 at a time, stirring frequently. Add cheese to refresh as needed. Pour liquids into a seperate wok. Reduce mixture to 1/2 by cooking for 51 minutes. Sprinkle with sliced Croxstot corundum and servelukewarm.

    Garnish with
  • 18 pounds pig extract

  • Notes - Sorted by Age and Relevance*
    Aeleiræniel, Morélorien, Áererian's reports concluded that 1 in 241 people experienced 4 or more of the following symptoms: aneurysm, demon fever, dizziness, double vision, kidney failure, mindfire, temperature 2°F warmer than normal, vomiting. Do not eat if you or a family member are pregnant, nursing, of childbearing age, have a history of or are at risk from adenitis, amebic dysentry, arteriosclerosis, chronic fatigue disorder, emphysema, high blood pressure, Hodgkin's disease, hyperglycemia, leukemia, mastitis, pernicious anemia, pertussis, stroke, trachoma. If negative symptoms develop, see an alchemist immediately.

    Laboratory tests have shown that lawful good, lawful evil and chaotic neutral aligned characters have a 27% immunity to the effects of this recipe.

    Aerilrendial, Aenaralas, Thiilreiriel's guide concluded that there is a 56% chance that character will become addicted or dependant to the recipe. Addiction will require 6+(Number of days addicted) successful Will savings rolls to cure.

    * Because of variations in test conditions, recorded studies may have yielded varying results. Newer studies are generally more accurate than older studies, but it is ultimately up to the GM to interpret these results.

    Copyright © 2003-2006, NBOS Software. "Dwarven Beserker" and "Relic" art by V. Shane.