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Orc Hoard

Orc Hunting Party
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Bar Encounters

NPC on the Street
Orc Formal Introduction
Sci-Fi Soldier
NPC Appearance
Adult Civillian (w/ stats)
Gladiator Generator
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Adventure Hooks
Alchemist Cookbook #2
Alchemist Cookbook
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Random Bar Encounters

The primary NPC is shown in bold text. All references to "the NPC" are to this person.

The paranoid man (not armed) sitting near the center of the establishment invites a foe of the PC's occupation to his/her room for a party.
The fat man (not armed) singing and dancing in the establishment invites a foe of the PC's race to his/her home for a party.
The huge memorable man (not armed) sitting in the establishment makes a hex sign at the PC.
The huge healthy drunken man (not visibly armed, but carrying a hidden melee and missile weapon) , accompanied by a short handsome devious man (not armed), sitting nearby in the establishment curses a business.
The plump unwashed woman (not armed) standing in the establishment shows valuable information concerning people who need help in plain sight. The NPC is aware the goods have been reported lost.
The skinny man (not visibly armed, but carrying a hidden melee and missile weapon) sitting in the establishment begins vomiting.
The foreign paranoid man (not armed) sitting nearby in the establishment cries out for someone to please punish the PC.
The fat frail man (not armed) sitting at the bar of the establishment begins choking.
The skinny conciliatory woman (not visibly armed, but carrying a hidden melee and missile weapon) , accompanied by a skinny angry woman (not visibly armed, but carrying a hidden melee and missile weapon), sitting in the corner of the establishment cries out for someone to please punish the PC.
The man (not visibly armed, but carrying a hidden melee and missile weapon) sitting nearby in the establishment wakes up.
The fat fanatic man (obviously armed with both a melee and missile weapon) sitting downstairs in the establishment cries out for someone to please slay the PC.
The man (not armed) standing in the establishment holds up the bar.
The smelly obsessed child (not armed) singing and dancing in the establishment throws a frying pan and hits the PC.
The woman (not visibly armed, but carrying a hidden missile weapon) sitting near the owner of the establishment claims that he/she once was a foe of all foes of a certain race and all who believe in same.
The plump agile fanatic woman (not armed) sitting in the establishment curses the PC.
The skinny attractive man (not armed) sitting in the establishment invites all foes of the PC's gender to his/her home for a party.
The giant man (obviously armed with a melee weapon) sitting nearby in the establishment dies.
The fat pale man (not armed) sitting nearby in the establishment asks the PC to meet in the latrine because he/she believes the PC has smuggling contacts.
The obsessed man (not armed) , accompanied by a skinny bright man (not armed), sitting downstairs in the establishment throws a pot and hits a sharp-tongued man (not visibly armed, but carrying a hidden missile weapon) .
The man (obviously armed with a missile weapon) , with 4 accomplices, sitting in the establishment knocks over the drink of the PC by accident.

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Copyright © 2003-2006, NBOS Software. "Dwarven Beserker" and "Relic" art by V. Shane.