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Random Weather by Melrick The sky is clear. There is no wind for 28 minutes before a begins to blow from the South. The temperature is warm and will remain that way for the rest of the day before getting warmer. The sky is overcast with light snow that will last 20 hours before stopping. There is a steady wind from the North that will last 21 hours before easing off. The temperature is cold and will remain that way for the rest of the day before getting cooler. The sky is partly cloudy with no rain for 11 hours before a light fog starts. There is a steady wind from the West that will last 17 hours before easing off. The temperature is cool and will remain that way for a few hours before getting warmer. The sky is overcast with torrential rain that will last 25 minutes before stopping. There is a gentle breeze from the West that will last 17 hours before changing direction. The temperature is warm and will remain that way for the rest of the day before getting warmer. The sky is clear. There is a strong wind gusting from the South East that will last 18 hours before changing direction. The temperature is cold and will remain that way for the next couple of days before getting cooler. The sky is overcast with sleet that will last 19 hours before getting worse. There is a steady wind from the East that will last 47 minutes before gaining strength. The temperature is cool and will remain that way for the next week before getting warmer. The sky is partly cloudy with no rain for 22 hours before sleet starts. There is no wind for 22 hours before a begins to blow from the North East. The temperature is hot and will remain that way for the next couple of days before getting warmer. The sky is overcast with a light fog that will last 18 hours before easing off. There is a strong wind gusting from the South that will last 33 minutes before changing direction. The temperature is warm and will remain that way for a few hours before getting cooler. The sky is clear. There is a gentle breeze from the West that will last 18 hours before easing off. The temperature is hot and will remain that way for the next few weeks before getting warmer. The sky is clear. There is a gentle breeze from the North that will last 25 minutes before easing off. The temperature is warm and will remain that way for the rest of the day before getting cooler. The sky is partly cloudy with drizzle that will last 29 minutes before getting worse. There is no wind for 14 hours before a gentle breeze begins to blow from the North West. The temperature is cool and will remain that way for the rest of the day before getting warmer. The sky is overcast with a light fog that will last 23 hours before getting worse. There is no wind for 43 minutes before a gentle breeze begins to blow from the West. The temperature is cool and will remain that way for the next couple of days before getting cooler. The sky is clear. There is a strong wind gusting from the South West that will last 35 minutes before changing direction. The temperature is cool and will remain that way for a few hours before getting warmer. The sky is overcast with torrential rain that will last 15 minutes before easing off. There is a steady wind from the North West that will last 13 hours before easing off. The temperature is hot and will remain that way for the next couple of days before getting warmer. The sky is clear. There is no wind for 14 hours before a strong wind begins to blow from the South East. The temperature is hot and will remain that way for the rest of the day before getting warmer. The sky is overcast with no rain for 12 hours before light snow starts. There is no wind for 22 hours before a steady wind begins to blow from the South. The temperature is warm and will remain that way for the next couple of days before getting warmer. The sky is partly cloudy with no rain for 1 hours before sleet starts. There is no wind for 22 hours before a begins to blow from the South West. The temperature is warm and will remain that way for the rest of the day before getting cooler. The sky is clear. There is a steady wind from the North West that will last 14 hours before easing off. The temperature is warm and will remain that way for the rest of the day before getting warmer. The sky is partly cloudy with drizzle that will last 35 minutes before getting worse. There is a strong wind gusting from the West that will last 13 hours before gaining strength. The temperature is warm and will remain that way for the next few weeks before getting warmer. The sky is partly cloudy with drizzle that will last 24 hours before stopping. There is a steady wind from the North West that will last 30 minutes before changing direction. The temperature is cool and will remain that way for the next couple of days before getting warmer. Generated by ipad2cgi, the Inspiration Pad Pro 2 CGI interface. www.nbos.com. Build: 12-07-2007 00:51:58 |
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