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Orc Names
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Latin-like Names
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Company Names

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Spell Books
Orc Hoard

Orc Hunting Party
Orc Raiding Party
Demons (High-level)
Bar Encounters

NPC on the Street
Orc Formal Introduction
Sci-Fi Soldier
NPC Appearance
Adult Civillian (w/ stats)
Gladiator Generator
Horse Generator

Adventure Hooks
Alchemist Cookbook #2
Alchemist Cookbook
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Fortune Teller
Plot Generator
Plot Generator - Sci-Fi
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Tabloid Headlines

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Joe Mays' Tabloid Headline Generator

The Democratic Enquirer

Reports That Secret Leader Of U.N. Buried Creatures

The word on the street is ....

Entertainment Today's Letter

The Son Of God Rescues Baby Boy

Speaking from the trailer court where the incident was witnessed....

The Public Celebrity Planet

Talking Horse Born In Monaco!

The word on the street is ....

Inquisitive Entertainment Whistleblower

Baby Boy Tormented By Evil Pygmies!

How long will it be before something is done about ....

Inquisitive Herald

Teenage Girl: "My Children Were Mutants"

In the early afternoon last Thursday ....

Skeptical Insightful Looking Glass

Jeanne Dixon Warns Of The End Of The World Before The Year Is Over

"May the Good Lord strike me dead right here if I'm lying," said a bystander on the scene....

The Public Confidential Rumourmonger

Diaries of Marx Reveal: "I Was In A Mysterious Cult"!

How long will it be before something is done about ....

The Freedom Public Post

The Brain Of Churchill Being Kept Alive And Interrogated By Secretive Group Of Men In Black

Explaining "I seen the whole thing," a ....

Insightful Enquirer

Thousands Gather To Seek Blessing From Tree Bark With Impression Of The Madonna

It's not often one gets to see ....

Insightful Modern Report

"My Family Were Giant Tigers," Reveals National Security Advisor !

How long will it be before something is done about ....

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Copyright © 2003-2006, NBOS Software. "Dwarven Beserker" and "Relic" art by V. Shane.