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Ike's Demons
Contributed by Ike Duncan

Strength: 13Dexterity: 19Con: 17Int: 15Wisdom: 17Charisma: 16
Size: MansizedHit Dice: 25Hitpoints(d12): 243Armor Class: 26Damage Reduction: 8/+3Regen: 12 HP/Round
Attacks:Bite(1d10+1): 1@+26Hand Claws(1d8+1): 2@+21
Resistances:Disease Resistance: 100%Magic Resistance: 50%
Electricity Resistance: 59%, Percentage Chance of No Damage/Affect otherwise 1/2 Damage/Affect only
Fire Resistance: 58%, Percentage Chance of No Damage/Affect otherwise 1/2 Damage/Affect only
Poison Resistance: 51%, Percentage Chance of No Damage/Affect otherwise 1/2 Damage/Affect only
Force Resistance: 52%, Percentage Chance of No Damage/Affect otherwise 1/2 Damage/Affect only
Curse Resistance: 54%, Percentage Chance of No Damage/Affect otherwise 1/2 Damage/Affect only
Special Powers:Stoneskin, 1/Day (4th Level Spell)
Summon Monster II, 1/Day (2nd Level Spell)
+3 Regeneration, 8 Rounds/Day
+16% to One Standard Resistance, not MR, 49 Rounds/Day
True Seeing, 6/Day
Mage Hand, 1/Day (0 Level Spell)
Detect Magic, At Will
Protection from Chaos, 1/Day (1st Level Spell)
Magic Circle against Good, 1/Day (3rd Level Spell)
Strength: 22Dexterity: 18Con: 12Int: 8Wisdom: 13Charisma: 7
Size: LargeHit Dice: 13Hitpoints(d20): 171Armor Class: 19Damage Reduction: 6/+2Regen: 8 HP/Round
Attacks:Horn(1d12+6): 1@+19Hand Claws(1d10+6): 2@+14
Special Attack:Scream(13d4): 26' wide by 65' long Cone, sV Fort (DC: 14) for 1/2
Resistances:Disease Resistance: 100%Magic Resistance: 26%
Electricity Resistance: 36%, Percentage Chance of No Damage/Affect otherwise 1/2 Damage/Affect only
Fire Resistance: 45%, Percentage Chance of No Damage/Affect otherwise 1/2 Damage/Affect only
Poison Resistance: 37%, Percentage Chance of No Damage/Affect otherwise 1/2 Damage/Affect only
Curse Resistance: 39%, Percentage Chance of No Damage/Affect otherwise 1/2 Damage/Affect only
Additional Magic Resistance: +24%, Add to above
Acid Resistance: 50%, Percentage Chance of No Damage/Affect otherwise 1/2 Damage/Affect only
Force Resistance: 33%, Percentage Chance of No Damage/Affect otherwise 1/2 Damage/Affect only
Special Powers:Simulacrum, 1/Day (7th Level Spell)
Protection from Elements, 1/Day (3rd Level Spell)
Detect Life Force, Constent
Mage Armor, 1/Day (1st Level Spell)
Shapechange, 1/Day (9th Level Spell)
Strength: 15Dexterity: 13Con: 17Int: 16Wisdom: 21Charisma: 10
Size: LargeHit Dice: 11Hitpoints(d20): 176Armor Class: 15Damage Reduction: 8/+2Regen: 14 HP/Round
Attacks:Bite(1d12+2): 1@+13Hand Claws(1d10+2): 4@+8
Resistances:Disease Resistance: 100%Magic Resistance: 22%
Fire Resistance: 35%, Percentage Chance of No Damage/Affect otherwise 1/2 Damage/Affect only
Negative Energy Resistance: 43%, Percentage Chance of No Damage/Affect otherwise 1/2 Damage/Affect only
Additional Magic Resistance: +16%, Add to above
Special Powers:Comprehend Languages, Constent
Ghost Sound, 1/Day (0 Level Spell)
Detect Good / Evil, Constent
Detect Invisibility, Constent

Note: The size of dice used for hit points is determined by the size of the creature: Tiny=d8, Small=d10, Mansized=d12, Large=d20, Huge=d30, Gargantuan=d100

This material is Open Game Content, and is licensed for public use under the terms of the Open Game License v1.0a.

Copyright © 2003-2006, NBOS Software. "Dwarven Beserker" and "Relic" art by V. Shane.