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Elf Names
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Orc Names
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Orc Clan Names
Latin-like Names
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Company Names

Random Books
Spell Books
Orc Hoard

Orc Hunting Party
Orc Raiding Party
Demons (High-level)
Bar Encounters

NPC on the Street
Orc Formal Introduction
Sci-Fi Soldier
NPC Appearance
Adult Civillian (w/ stats)
Gladiator Generator
Horse Generator

Adventure Hooks
Alchemist Cookbook #2
Alchemist Cookbook
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An Orcish Formal Introduction
(how civilized!)

Me am Mugok from the Tomakfang clan. Me eat you now
Me am Gragak from the Wolfbone clan. Me kill 21 elf. You kill how many?
Me am G'duk from the Skullkiller clan. Me kill 17 elf. You kill how many?
Me am G'gurth from the Nightfang clan. And you am?
Me am Maggung from the Skullkiller clan. And you am?
Me am Graggak Sor from the Skullsmasher clan. Am nice meet you.
Me am Thoggur from the Thamurthbone clan. Me kill 14 elf. You kill how many?
Me am K'gang from the Thodothclaw clan. Am nice meet you.
Me am Thudok Crang from the Tomung Tungsmasher clan. How am you?
Me am Mugguk Eggaak from the Batbone clan. Me kill 15 elf. You kill how many?
Me am Tumur from the Cradukkiller clan. And you am?
Me am Tadak from the Caveeater clan. You want share elf dinner?
Me am Graduk from the Wolfkiller clan. Me kill 16 elf. You kill how many?
Me am K'dak from the Muguksmasher clan. How am you?
Me am Gagok from the G'garslammer clan. Am nice meet you.
Me am Egaugorth from the Tuggarthkiller clan. Me kill 16 elf. You kill how many?
Me am Omuagong Krur from the Rockaxe clan. Me eat you now
Me am Gaggoth G'ng from the Bloodfang clan. You want share elf dinner?
Me am Thrumuk Krath from the Nightfang clan. You want share elf dinner?
Me am Grumong Oguar from the Brodothclaw clan. You want share elf dinner?

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Copyright © 2003-2006, NBOS Software. "Dwarven Beserker" and "Relic" art by V. Shane.