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The Alchemist's Cookbook v2
Complex Recipes, Ruminations, and Potions

This material is Open Game Content, and is licensed for public use under the terms of the Open Game License v1.0a.

  • 18 gallons Rhorythnae rooster
  • 8 teaspoons diced gorgon
  • 1 teaspoon Irsttiiful'lag arnica seeds
  • 1 ounce Athytinesias cranesbill
  • 1 fluid ounce sliced potentilla
  • 4 pints chopped birch
  • 1 cup frozen scorpion
  • 19 tablespoons Lefikis aloe leaves
  • 1 teaspoon essence of Lieum colbaltite
  • 1 fluid ounce Tithus onion leaves
  • 1/7 pint wight
  • 1/5 fluid ounce minotaur
  • 1 ounce crushed Trylalril cranberry
  • 16 pints sliced pansy

  • Syrup Directions
    In a double boiler boil 3 pounds of sugar in 1 pint of water till it reaches a syrupy texture.
    Grind all the ingredients with a mortar in a seperate double boiler.
    Heat the ground powder over a small fire to dry.
    Powder will be ready when it's color is red.
    Add powder to the syrup and strain syrup through a cloth into a seperate container.

    Notes - Sorted by Age and Relevance*
    * Because of variations in test conditions, recorded studies may have yielded wildly varying results. Ultimately it is up to the GM to interpret these results.

    Apdus, Elythos's codex indicated that 76% of people who used this recipe were cured of the following symptoms: amathophobia (fear of dust), apnea, artificial insemination, autism, climacophobia (fear of stairs), cysts, demon fever, dizziness, double vision, mindfire, rosacea, upset stomach, vomiting. Do not use if you or a family member are pregnant, nursing, of childbearing age, have a history of or are at risk from adenitis, adenitis, cholera, leprosy, mastitis, measles, snail fever, stroke, toxicosis. If negative symptoms develop, see an alchemist immediately.

    Odramias's study indicated that Drow, Halfling, Human, Gnome, and Dwarf's have up to 57% immunity to 1/10 of the effects of this recipe.

    Independant laboratory observations have indicated Goblin's are at 50% more risk to the effects of this recipe.

    Chanamiae, Anna, Prochocredi's experiment indicated that barbarian and druid's have a 74% immunity to the effects of this recipe.

    Poscepte, Egnaue's tome concluded that Doppleganger's have up to 9% immunity to 1/5 of the effects of this recipe.

    Jaliel's tomes concluded that each time the victim takes 2 or more damage from this recipe, he must make another Fortitude save or all damage incurred is permanent.

    Meraeneras's reports indicated that 1 in 22 people were cured of up to 7 of the following symptoms: aeroacrophobia (fear of open, high places), asthma, cataplexy, cenophobia (fear of empty rooms), fugues, hagiophobia (fear of holy things, saints), ligyrophobia (fear of noise), rosacea. Do not use if you or a family member are pregnant, nursing, of childbearing age, have a history of or are at risk from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, dengue, dystrophy, gonorrhea, hookworm, measles, meningitis, shingles, snail fever. If negative symptoms persist, see a druid immediately.

    Laboratory studies have shown lawful good aligned characters have up to 27% immunity to the effects of this recipe.

    Independant laboratory observations have concluded there is a 42% chance that any illnesses contracted from eating this recipe are communicable. All players within 57 feet must make a Fortitude saving roll or risk becoming infected.

    Girgrettli, Kwik's codexes concluded that each time the victim takes 7 or more damage from this recipe, he must make another Fortitude save or be confused.

    Personal studies have concluded that when damaged by this recipe, character must succeed on another saving throw or 7 points of damage is permanent drain instead.

    Grövilin, Groodrur's observations indicated that each time the victim takes 7 or more damage from this recipe, he must make another Fortitude save or all damage incurred is permanent.

    Orain, Khurgug, Halmilin's grimoires indicated that there is a 11% chance this recipe may cause age reversal, alopecia, apnea, asthma, atrophy, blood clots, chills, coughing, cramps, cramps, haptophobia (fear of touch), heart attack, height shrinkage of at least 1 inch, heliophobia (fear of sunlight), pyrophobia (fear of fire), rosacea, zits. Do not use if you or a family member are pregnant, nursing, of childbearing age, have a history of or are at risk from arteriosclerosis, cardiac arrest, contact dermatitis, diverticulosis, gout, louse, malaria, strep throat, strep throat. If negative symptoms develop, see a healer immediately.

    Remaingi's tests indicated that lawful neutral aligned characters are at 3% more risk to 1/3 of the effects of this recipe.

    Personal tome indicated that there is a 86% chance that additional servings will cure any negative symptoms by a factor of 6.

    Mocrashik, Bigruwius, Echahar's journal concluded that 33% of people who used this recipe were cured of up to 7 of the following symptoms: aeroacrophobia (fear of open, high places), asthma, atrophy, autism, batrachophobia (fear of frogs, reptiles), cackle fever, cataplexy, chills, chrematophobia (fear of money), freckles, gerontophobia (fear of old people), hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids, inability to cast any spells, ingrown toenails, menorrhagia, migraines, paranoia, siderophobia (fear of the stars), sneezing, stroke. Do not use if you or a family member are pregnant, nursing, of childbearing age, have a history of or are at risk from Alzheimer's, Crohn's disease, gastric ulcers, laryngitis, Lyme disease, pertussis, pneumonia, trachoma, yellow fever. If negative symptoms develop, see a medicine man immediately.

    Miapro, Eiibaue's manuals indicated that Bunyip's have up to 79% immunity to 1/6 of the effects of this recipe.

    Lymae's journals concluded that lawful evil and neutral good aligned characters have a 24% immunity to the effects of this recipe.

    Polis, Nesedi, Etanpu's journals showed that there is a 88% chance that the cook will obtain a natural immunity to any side-effects.

    Limien's observations showed that this may cause the following symptoms: acousticophobia (fear of sound), alopecia, apiphobia (fear of bees), apnea, atephobia (fear of ruins), cataplexy, cheimaphobia (fear of cold), choking, claustrophobia (fear of enclosed places), cysts, dementia, dementia, double vision, double vision, freckles, fugues, hair growth up to 1 inch, headaches, hierophobia (fear of religious objects), iatrophobia (fear of doctors, hospitals), inability to cast arcane spells, inability to cast divine spells, kidney failure, menorrhagia, menorrhagia, migraines, migraines, polyphobia (fear of many things), rosacea, temperature 5°F warmer than normal, vertigo. Do not use if you or a family member are pregnant, nursing, of childbearing age, have a history of or are at risk from diverticulitis, endocarditis, heart attack, infantile paralysis, lockjaw, rabies, strep throat, thrush, tuberculosis. If negative symptoms persist, see a witch immediately.

    Semama's codex showed that lawful good, neutral evil and chaotic good aligned characters are at 36% more risk to the effects of this recipe.

    Independant laboratory observations have shown fighter's have up to 97% immunity to the effects of this recipe.

    Laboratory studies have shown Stirges, and Troll's have a 16% immunity to any effects of this recipe.

    Foren, Negrir's manual indicated that farmer, cleric, rogue and merchant's are at 29% more risk to any effects of this recipe.

    Choken, Chosiel, Vrofechijar's study showed that Elf's are at 79% more risk to any effects of this recipe.

    Tenalasrieth's journals indicated that paladin's are at 77% more risk to 1/7 of the effects of this recipe.

    Didi, Pelraphos's experiment concluded that Giant, Elf, and Doppleganger's are at 17% more risk to the effects of this recipe.

    Personal experiment concluded that there is a 92% chance that the cook will obtain a natural immunity to 3% of the side-effects.

    Laboratory studies have shown 1 in 213 people experienced the following symptoms: ablutophobia (fear of bathing), acarophobia (fear of small objects), aerophobia (fear of air, wind), cysts, gender changes, headaches, menorrhagia, odynesophobia (fear of pain). Do not use if you or a family member are pregnant, nursing, of childbearing age, have a history of or are at risk from blastomycosis, cancer, endocarditis, gastric ulcers, Hodgkin's disease, Hodgkin's disease, pneumonia, polio, stroke. If negative symptoms develop, see a shaman immediately.

    Edique's observations concluded that Garuda, Goblin, Unicorn, Mermaid, Sphinx, Lizardman, and Basilisk's are at 97% more risk to 1/8 of the effects of this recipe.

    Aeosne, Tuaeproata, Quodbeli's guide concluded that the victim must make 10 successful Fortitude saving throws in a row to recover from any illnesses caused from this recipe.

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    Copyright © 2003-2006, NBOS Software. "Dwarven Beserker" and "Relic" art by V. Shane.