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Download AlchemistCookbook2.ipt
Complex Recipes, Ruminations, and Potions Ingredients Tincture Directions Grind all the ingredients with a mortar in a pot. Allow the ground mixture to dry into a powder. Powder will be ready when it's color is yellow. Combine 1-4 oz. of the yellow powder with 8 to 12 oz. wine. Add water to make a 50% alcohol solution. Let stand for two weeks, shaking once or twice a day. Strain and pour liquid into a bottle suitable for storage. Notes - Sorted by Age and Relevance* * Because of variations in test conditions, recorded studies may have yielded wildly varying results. Ultimately it is up to the GM to interpret these results. Sodefai, Cumquodnos, Eastuquem's codexes showed that there is a 15% chance this recipe may cure agrizoophobia (fear of wild animals), aichurophobia (fear of pointed objects), androphobia (fear of men), aurophobia (fear of gold), bedwetting, botanophobia (fear of plants), dipsophobia (fear of drinking). Do not use if you or a family member are pregnant, nursing, of childbearing age, have a history of or are at risk from beriberi. If negative symptoms develop, see a healer immediately. Thriánas's observations showed that Giant's are at 87% more risk to 1/9 of the effects of this recipe. Laboratory observations have concluded ranger's have a 97% immunity to the effects of this recipe. Rhonus, Panaa, Rheathos's handbooks concluded that Dwarf's have a 22% immunity to 1/8 of the effects of this recipe. Tarythnia, Ephi's cookbooks concluded that ranger's are at 50% more risk to the effects of this recipe. Ashorenack, Mesia, Jodribuj's grimoires showed that Gorgon, Garuda, Trapdoor Spider, and Oni's are at 46% more risk to any effects of this recipe. Gruvrolin, Dhuggolir, Groggen's reports indicated that there is a 51% chance that character will become addicted or dependant to the recipe. Addiction will require 8+(Number of days addicted) successful Will savings rolls to cure. Deca's tests concluded that 21% of people who used this recipe experienced 5 or more of the following symptoms: aeronausiphobia (fear of airsickness), albinism, aneurysm, auroraphobia (fear of auroras), bedwetting, dipsophobia (fear of drinking), dry mouth, ergophobia (fear of work), incontinence, metrophobia (fear of poetry), paranoia, paranoia, teratophobia (fear of monsters), vestiphobia (fear of clothing). Do not use if you or a family member are pregnant, nursing, of childbearing age, have a history of or are at risk from thrush. If negative symptoms develop, see an alchemist immediately. Personal experiments have concluded that lawful good, neutral good, chaotic good and chaotic evil aligned characters have a 77% immunity to the effects of this recipe. Davan, Bruvroin, Signu's reports indicated that Basilisk, Roc, Phoenix, Hill Giant, Dryad, Zombie, and Succubus's have up to 6% immunity to the effects of this recipe. Quamtussum's experiment showed that druid, farmer, cleric and wizard's have up to 61% immunity to the effects of this recipe. Ilau's experiment indicated that lawful neutral, lawful evil, chaotic neutral and true neutral aligned characters are at 94% more risk to 1/8 of the effects of this recipe. Iregias, Eclyblablihien, Icaveque's reports concluded that merchant, fighter, monk and soldier's are at 45% more risk to the effects of this recipe. Personal experiment showed that there is a 59% chance that character will become addicted or dependant to the recipe. Addiction will require 6+(Number of days addicted) successful Will savings rolls to cure. Sehiel, Helim's essays showed that each time the victim takes 18 or more damage from this recipe, he must make another Fortitude save or all damage incurred is permanent. Aptaeus, Iia, Sessaryns's observation showed that successful saves do not allow the character to recover. Only magical healing can save the character. Grauimme's observations showed that there is a 66% chance that additional servings will cure any negative symptoms by a factor of 3. Generated by ipad2cgi, the Inspiration Pad Pro 2 CGI interface. www.nbos.com. Build: 12-07-2007 00:51:58 |
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